
Freedom House, NED, Soros/CIA NGO's, MOSSAD, MI6 convoluted Color Revolutions...?
1. The USA has secretly backed the rebel leaders behind the Egyptian uprising, according to the UK's leading newspaper, The Telegraph, on 29 January 2011.
"The American government secretly backed leading figures behind the Egyptian uprising who have been planning 'regime change' for the past three years, The Daily Telegraph has learned.
2. On 11 November 2010, Israel told its citizens to leave Egypt.
That was before the trouble erupted in Tunisia.
3. On 28th January 2011, Mubarak said the protests were part of a plot to destabilize Egypt.
4. Where has Egyptian army chief of staff General Sami Enan been during the riots?
He has been meeting U.S. defense officials in Washington. (Mubarak said the protests were part of a plot to destabilize Egypt.)
5. Egypt says the Muslim Brotherhood is plotting against it, - Israel News, Ynetnews
The Egyptian government sponsored daily al-Ahram reported on 29 January 2011 that the spy cell recently discovered in the country was in cahoots with the CIA's Muslim Brotherhood.
6. On June 2010 we learnt of the alleged Israeli Nile water plot.
Israel wants the waters of the Nile and the LITANI...in Lebanon.

It looks like the USA decided to dump MUBARAK some time ago....
The Foreign Policy Research Institute is a US think tank associated with people such as Henry Kissinger, Dov Zakheim and Daniel Pipes.
In 2009, it gave us an insight into US thinking on Egypt.
At FPRI, Trudy Kuehner wrote: The U.S. and Egypt Since the Suez Crisis - FPRI
Some quotes:
"There is a sense that the relationship has run its course...
"Its foundations are either weak or obsolete.
"The Egyptian-Israeli peace is cold...
"The U.S. in the 1970s did not have bases throughout the Persian Gulf. Thirty years later, U.S. military bases dot the Gulf.
"Now, there are no Soviets to contain. This relationship has been running on bureaucratic inertia.

"So what should policymakers do? The debate falls along three axes.
"First, some argue that we should go back to authoritarian stability...
"The second axis around which the debate revolves is that we need to undertake a program of democratization and reform in Egypt...
"We need to provide some sort of soft landing...
"Finally, the third stream of thought, an emerging one, is that ... we need to step back from this relationship...
"There is no compelling reason to have a strategic relationship with Egypt, or for Egypt to be the second largest recipient of our foreign aid."

The story from the mainstream media is that:
(A) Mubarak is in bed with Israel and CIA for decades....
(B) Mubarak has not helped Egypt.
What is the truth about Mubarak?
1. Egypt opposes Globalisation.
Mubarak "has failed to deregulate and privatize the economy." (Egypt and Israel: A Reversible Peace :: Middle East Quarterly)
2. Egypt has been making good economic progress
Egypt has enjoyed economic growth averaging 4%–5% over the past 25 years.
The Egyptian economy was expected to grow at 6.1% in 2010/11. (Egypt - African Economic Outlook)
"Egypt held up well during the first round of the global financial crisis thanks to its reformed banking sector and low integration into global financial markets as a whole." (Egypt - African Economic Outlook)

3. Mubarak and Israel.... Love at first sight for decades with CIA's blessing and daily Protection for his Regime of thugs/thieves and crooks....
"The Egyptian minister of defense and war production, Muhammad Hussein at-Tantawi, was reported to have told a closed forum a few years ago that Egypt should prepare for a future war with Israel." (Egypt and Israel: A Reversible Peace :: Middle East Quarterly)
In 1981 President Mubarak came to power and he "has effectively boycotted Israel."
Egypt's state-controlled newspapers continued to demonize Israel.
"All ties on the bilateral level between Egypt and Israel have been frozen including tourism, commerce, and industry." (Egypt and Israel: A Reversible Peace :: Middle East Quarterly)
4. Israel and the USA want to topple Mubarak.
Under Mubarak, the Egyptian military has seen Israel as the enemy and has not cooperated fully with the USA.
Egypt has resisted sending troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. (US frustrated with Egypt military)
Egypt opposes US Globalisation.
Emad Gad, an expert at Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies, says:
"Despite Israel’s peace treaty with Egypt, Egypt remains Israel's primary threat in the region.
"Israel sees Egypt as its main obstacle to regional dominance."
Israel wants to grab a part of Egypt....
Some History:
Egypt and Israel were at war in the years: 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973.
In 1977 President Anwar Sadat decided that Egypt could only get back Sinai by signing a peace treaty with Israel.
In April 2010, it was reported that a weekly magazine aiming to link Arab bloggers with politicians and the elderly was launched in Egypt at the initiative of a group backed by US billionaire George Soros. (Soros backs Egypt weekly to give Arab bloggers exposure.)
In April 2010, it was reported by the Jerusalem Post that "Egypt has taken an aggressive stance against Israel, with Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit calling Israel an 'enemy' state." - (Egypt warns of Israel-Lebanon escalation)
In June 2010, Egypt re-opened the Rafah border with Gaza (Rafah crossing to remain open indefinitely - News)
In August 2010, Egyptian security forces seized a ship loaded with explosives coming from Israel and arrested its owner in Port Said. (Egypt seizes explosives on ship coming from Israel - People's.)
On 20 December 2010 (ISRAEL DESTABILISING EGYPT) we learnt that Egypt arrested members of an Israeli spy ring within its borders.
On 1 January 2011, we read that a group calling itself Al-Qaeda (the CIA-Mossad) may be responsible for the seven dead and 24 injured in an attack on a church in Egypt
In January 2011, we read that Egypt's Irrigation Minister has dismissed the possibility that Egypt would supply Israel with water from the Nile. (Egypt and Israel, a souring relationship?)

It would seem that the USA and Israel decided some time ago to topple Egypt's president Mubarak.
"The U.S. strategy for three decades ... has been to bet on Mubarak... But that cannot possibly be a smart bet for the next decade." - Elliott Abrams on 20 January 2011 (interview)
Abrams, a neo-con Zionist, was involved in Iran-Contra.
According to PressTV (Mossad was behind the Egypt church blast):
"Political experts believe that the US, the Israeli regime and Britain have crafted a long-term joint security program in the Middle East and North Africa...
"Part of the scenario is to ... split Egypt into a Christian-populated country and a Muslim-populated one ...
"The West's agenda is to lay the groundwork for the formation of a Coptic government in Upper Nile in Egypt...
"Therefore, the recent scuffles between Muslims and Christians in Naj' Hammadi region in Qena governorate in southern Egypt as well as the blast at the Alexandria church are a prelude for the dangerous Western-engineered scenario to unfold in one of the key Islamic-Arab nations."

According to the powerful US Council on Foreign Relations (Egypt - Council on Foreign Relations):
"The Suez Canal remains critical to the security of the Persian Gulf and its vast energy reserves, as well as to global trade.
"Egypt also maintains the region's largest and most powerful Arab military."
It seems that Obama would like to topple Egypt's President Mubarak, and replace him with someone more reliable.
The Pentagon wants the Egyptian military to help advance the US-Israeli agenda....
Who might replace Mubarak?
Some unknown military figure could emerge.
Or spy chief Omar Suleiman could take power in some kind of coup.
Suleiman was trained at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare School and Center at Fort Bragg, in the 1980s. (Egypt's Next Strongman Foreign Policy)
Suleiman continues to have close contacts with US intelligence and military officials.
On Facebook, Twitter, and blogs, Suleiman is receiving support. (Egypt's Next Strongman Foreign Policy)
.....Here is the contrarian view....?
Spy Agencies Failed to Predict Egypt Uprising...
It is becoming increasingly clear that the ongoing popular uprising in Egypt represents the most important geopolitical development in the Middle East since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran. In light of this, it is remarkable how unprepared foreign intelligence agencies have proven in forecasting the crisis. Even the Israelis were caught completely unaware: on January 25, the day when massive protests first erupted across Egypt, Major General Aviv Kochavi, newly appointed head of Israel’s Military Intelligence Directorate, told a Knesset committee that “there are no doubts about the stability of the regime in Egypt” and that “the Muslim Brotherhood is not organized enough to take over”. Instead, Kochavi focused on political volatility in Lebanon; ironically, the latter now seems like an oasis of tranquility compared to the explosive state of Egyptian politics.
If the Israelis, whose very concept of national security is inextricably linked with developments in Cairo, were so unsuspecting of the popular wave of anger against the thirty-year dictatorship of President Hosni Mubarak, one can only imagine Washington’s surprise at the protests. After speaking to Mubarak on the phone last Friday, US President Barack Obama urgently summoned his advisors to the White House for a weekend security briefing, several days after the wave of popular discontent swept the Middle East’s most populous country. Similarly, stunned policy planners in Tel Aviv are reportedly “anxiously monitoring” the situation on the ground in Egypt, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has issued strict instructions to his Cabinet Ministers to “refrain from commenting on the issue”.
Like Netanyahu, Obama will find that there is little his advisers can tell him about developments in the streets of Egypt. For years, the US Central Intelligence Agency has worked closely with the Egyptian security establishment in the contentious context of Washington’s “war on terrorism”. But it is unlikely that the CIA has been as meticulous in developing trustworthy contacts inside Egypt’s fragmented but dynamic and energized Egyptian opposition. The latter, whether religious or secular, is naturally distrustful of American officials, whom it sees as longtime supporters of the dictatorial rule of President Mubarak, in the interests of what US Vice President Joe Biden has called “geopolitical interests in the region”.
Some US intelligence planners were pleased with the recent appointment of General Omar Suleiman to Egypt’s Vice President. Few knowledgeable observers were surprised by the appointment of Suleiman, who has directed the Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate for nearly 20 years. His strong candidacy had been publicly noted even before the ongoing uprising, and undoubtedly represents a rare positive development for US State Department officials, who know Suleiman well. The General, who is often described as the Middle East’s most powerful intelligence chief, has “longtime friends” and “close working” personal relations with the CIA. These were significantly advanced during the Bill Clinton administration and solidified under the CIA’s extraordinary rendition program after 9/11. Egyptian officials have admitted receiving up to 70 terrorism suspects under the CIA’s controversial secret detention program. Planners at Langley know and trust Suleiman, and will undoubtedly try to oversee a change of guard in Egypt in favor of the General, who is considered Washington’s horse in the race to replace Mubarak.
But Middle Eastern politics are always more complicated than they appear, and it is unlikely that the Egyptian opposition will allow Suleiman, who is considered a staunch Mubarak loyalist, lead the besieged government. Those in the know insist that the Egyptian armed forces have yet to speak, and that the military top brass is “still sorting out [...] whether to continue to back Mubarak”. It is worth remembering that, with the world’s 10th largest military, numbering nearly half a million armed men, many of whom are stationed on the border with Israel and the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Egypt is a totally different ball game than Tunisia.
A consensus is gradually developing among Egypt experts around the world that the Mubarak regime will indeed fall, a stunning scenario that seemed completely implausible even a week ago. The most cautious observers note that it is “hard to imagine Mubarak is president in a year”. If this were to happen, nobody would be able to foresee what Egypt, or the Middle East as a whole, would look like by the end of 2011. It would be equally impossible to predict the state of US foreign policy by that time. As one Israeli commentator noted recently, Obama may be remembered in American foreign policy annals as “the president who ‘lost’ Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt, and during whose tenure America’s alliances in the Middle East crumbled”....